Wanted: Hot moms

October 9, 2022 on 10:11 am | In Online Gambling News |

So Jamie gold is leaving the world of online casino sponsorship and is getting his groove on with producing a new reality show, where he is supposedly looking for, and I quote ‘the hottest mom in America”- well, good for him. It really isn’t everyday that you win the World Series of poker and take home $12 million, so why not go wild, and look for…Moms?. He is looking right now at a lawsuit, where he is charged with not keeping a man to man agreement, basically.

This guy, Bruce Crispin is saying that the online casino ‘Bodog’ said it would provide a seat to the main event to either Crispin or Gold, the rest of the story is that allegedly the two had a deal that whoever gets Bodog’s seat splits his winnings with the other. Are we clear on that? The first hearing took place on the first of September, but there’s a good chance he won’t see his money for till the very end of the hearings. So I guess he’ll have to put the hot moms on hold, or find a mom who will go for minimum wage.

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